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No Matter What Your Acid Reflux Question, Well Answer It

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Posted on: 08/29/22
No Matter What Your Acid Reflux Question, Well Answer It

Acid reflux is a condition that affects millions of people throughout the world. Sadly, many people suffer from it because they do not know enough about it to help reduce its affect on their lives. In the following article, you will be given advice to help you live your life without acid reflux.

You should drink when your meal concludes and not while in the process of eating. Doing this also combats feelings of hunger, since youre probably thirsty rather than hungry. Also, drinking outside of meal time will prevent your stomach from becoming too distended as you eat, stopping acid from leaking into your esophagus.

Those who are overweight have a higher chance of getting acid reflux than others. This is due to stomach pressure. The excess weight of an overweight person adds more pressure to the stomach, relaxing the muscles of the lower sphincter of the esophagus, creating acid reflux. Fat in the body can also interrupt normal digestion. A little weight loss can go a long way in preventing acid reflux.

High fat foods may be tasty, but that can be troublesome for anyone who suffers from acid reflux. Foods that are high in fat cause the sphincter of the lower portion of the esophagus to become relaxed and increase the time it takes for the stomach to empty. Both of these conditions make it possible for acid reflux to occur. Eat a healthy balanced diet of vegetables, fiber, grains, and lean protein.

Some foods are more prone to causing acid reflux than others. For example, alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, and fried foods are notorious culprits. Foods that are highly acidic like tomatoes, oranges, grapefruits and lemons can cause acid reflux. Different people have different triggers, and it will take time to learn which ones affect you. To be safe, avoid all these.

Many people like to lie down and relax after eating a big meal. This is bad for the digestive system and can lead to acid reflux. Instead, try walking around or standing to give the food a chance to digest. Wat at least two hours after eating to lie down. Also, elevate your body while sleeping.

Chew a stick of gum, preferrably cinnamon, after your meal. When you chew, it produces more saliva. Saliva aids the neutralization of stomach acid. Additionally, the constant swallowing during gum chewing will help to clear the esophagus of lingering acid. Fruit gum is okay if it isnt based on citrus. Many people enjoy using chewing gum, if you are one of them, avoid mint since it can relax your esophagus and encourage reflux.


Exercise is an important habit for those who have GERD, but your timing is key. Wait for two hours after eating before you become active, and dont follow your activity with a sports drink as they are acidic and can make your GERD flare up. Instead, drink water or milk to refuel.

Exercise is a good way to stop acid reflux. Through exercise, you can lose weight, which will put less pressure on the stomach and reduce the severity and occurrence of heartburn and acid reflux. The key is to use moderate, low impact exercises. Intense exercises can cause reflux through excessive agitation. Try to avoid drinking sports drinks and eating food before exercising, as these can cause reflux as well.

Exercising right after a meal can aggravate your acid reflux. Food from your stomach will move into your esophagus if you work out low abdominal muscles. You should wait a minimum of an hour or two after eating before engaging in exercise activities.

As the beginning of this article discussed, tons of people suffer from acid reflux disease and the reason it has such a huge affect on their lives is because they do not know enough about it to lessen its symptoms. But, now that you have read this article, you know enough about acid reflux to stop it from being a factor in your life. Use these tips to feel relief right away.

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