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Get Relief From Sleep Apnea With These Tips

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Total visits: 460
Posted on: 07/23/22

Sleep apnea is a disorder that can rob you of many peaceful nights. Not getting enough rest each night is not only annoying, its unhealthy too. If you suffer from sleep apnea, you need to get it under control. The following article is a compilation of tips that can help you do just that.

Sleep apnea can be connected to your weight. If you are overweight, consider going on a diet to lose a few pounds. Studies have shown that overweight people who suffer from sleep apnea were able to improve their symptoms by losing about 25 pounds in a year: give it a try!

Consider elevating the head of your bed if you suffer from sleep apnea. As you sleep, gravity is constantly pulling on your muscles and causing your airway to close. If you elevate the head of your bed a bit, the slight incline makes it easier for your body to maintain your airway when you are sleeping.

Stop smoking. Smoking cigarettes is bad for you for many different reasons. Smoking can also cause sleep apnea. It isnt just bad for your lungs; it can also cause your upper airway to swell. This can make it difficult for you to get the breath that you need at night.

It is best to have your sleep apnea diagnosed and treated by a doctor. If left untreated, you wont be getting the needed rest you need, which will leave you feeling tired and unable to concentrate the next day, and may even lead to serious health problems down the road.

Sleep apnea has the potential for being a very serious disorder. If you think you may have it, it is important to make an appointment with your doctor to discuss it. After the diagnosis, you may be asked to take a sleep test, either at home or at a facility that specializes in sleep disorder testing.

If you are taking a great deal of medicines on a regular basis, sit with your doctor and discuss how they can be reduced. Side effects from prescription medication can be making your sleep apnea worse. Keep a dialog open with your doctor and make sure he is up to date on all your symptoms.


Strengthen your throat and jaw with some basic exercises. Developing these muscles should reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea. You can exercise your throat and jaw by simply pulling your tongue or practicing some very simple breathing exercises. The goal is to train you to breathe differently and hopefully make your sleep apnea disappear.

Learn how to play a wind instrument. Studies have found that playing a wind instrument like the flute or the didgeridoo can help with sleep apnea. Wind instruments exercise your breathing and help your body get accustomed to taking in sufficient amounts of air. Your throat will be able to better control airway dilation.

Do throat and tongue exercises daily to reduce your apnea symptoms. The results of recent research suggest that jaw exercise, and tongue exercises can greatly reduce the presence of sleep apnea symptoms. Doing just a few of these exercises every day can help you get a good night of rest.

Alleviate you sleep apnea by loosing weight. Many studies have demonstrated that sleep apnea can be significantly improved or even eliminated when patients slim down. You can go to the gym, join exercise classes or just get out and walk. Taking off the extra pounds will help you sleep more soundly.

As you can now see, there are ways that you can get your sleep apnea under control. Apply what youve just learned, and start getting the rest you need. You will not only be healthier, youll be happier too. Once you start getting adequate rest, you will be in control of your life.

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